1. Know what matters to you most
It is important to know what your priorities are. Not what you think they are, not what you think they should be, not what you think others would like them to be for you.
What matters to you is what is most important.
2. Identify what you can do without
Go through your day, your home, your relationships, your job and your life. What’s sapping your energy? What are you doing that doesn’t need to be done?
Identifying what you can do without is a major step toward freeing yourself up to focus on the things that do matter.
3. Eliminate the tolerations in your life
Tolerations are those things that we put up with, that we accept and take on, and that drag us down. This includes other people’s behavior, difficult situations, unmet needs, crossed boundaries, unresolved issues, frustrations, problems, and even your own behavior. These are energy zappers-the things that wear you out.
Cross off items when you have worked them out of your life, it will do wonders for your commitment to finding balance.
4. Define your clutter
To gain balance, you have to define and eliminate the clutter in your life. This may be physical stuff, emotional baggage, mental images, etc. Clutter takes up space in your mind, heart, home and life. Begin to make space for what you want by getting rid of what you don’t.
5. Be Where You Are
Every day, our minds race ahead to think of the things we need to do or haven’t done right. There’s so much to see when we focus on being present. There are people to be with and share joy with. So much is missed when our minds leave our bodies and go somewhere else. Look down at your feet and ground yourself in the moment.
6. Please Yourself
We’re taught at an early age to do our best to please others. Many of us walk around trying to please everyone else. If we try to make everyone else happy, we set ourselves up for failure. Find the things that please you and make you happy.
It’s time to shift the focus from pleasing others to pleasing ourselves.
7. Go for the Joy
When we smile, we actually tell our brains that we’re happy and our whole body and being responds accordingly. As the old saying goes “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional”.
If you put your focus on something that brings you joy, you’re liable to have and feel more joy in your life.
8. Ask for what you want
You need to be very clear about what you want. You need to know it, live it, breathe it, expect it, and ask for it. Ask for what you want from the universe. It doesn’t matter how it comes your way, just that it does. When you ask for something and it is delivered, you start to believe that life can and does work out.
9. You can have it all
You CANNOT do it all. Having it all comes after you live your life based upon that notion. When you make a commitment to yourself to not do the things that aren’t in your best interest or aren’t worth your time and effort-you give yourself room to enjoy where you are and what you have.
And you realize that you already have all you need.
10. The Rest is up to YOU!
It is up to you when to take the plunge and begin applying these steps to your life. You’ll realize you had more balance than you thought you did. You’ll begin to define balance in a way that encompasses the realities and constraints of your life as it is now