One food that a large number of people choose to eat when they have a ‘cheat’ day on their diet is sushi (Like me). The great thing about sushi is that while it is higher in carbohydrates, it’s also lower in fat and is still relatively healthy if you choose properly and keep your portion sizes moderate so it’s one that won’t really steer you too far in the wrong direction.
Due to the fact that sushi is primarily composed of rice, you will take in many of the same nutrients that are found in this food. Just do keep in mind the fact that as it is white rice sushi is typically made of the overall nutritional value of it is going to be lower.
If you choose sushi that comes with smoked salmon or tuna, you’ll be getting a very good source of protein there and possibly some omega-3 fatty acids as well. The fish found in sushi tends to contain quite a high amount of phosphorus and potassium, so those are two other nutrients that you’ll take in when indulging in this meal.
One final thing that should be noted however is those that are watching their sodium intake may want to stay away from sushi, or at the very least stay away from having it with the soy sauce that’s typically served as it is incredibly high in sodium content.
Since many varieties of sushi do contain raw fish you’re definitely going to be best off serving this food absolutely fresh. It can be stored in the fridge for a short period of time but even then it should be not left more than a day or two otherwise you’re going to risk it going bad.
Eat It With:
Sushi is usually eaten with soy sauce, wasabi, and sometimes ginger as mentioned above and can either be served as-is for the main course or alongside other sushami or sushi varieties. Most people will choose to consume a mixed tray of sushi so they get a taste of everything that this food has to offer.
Burn Off Sushi
To burn off the number of calories in sushi you would have to do:
38 minutes of intense rowing
34 minutes of running
65 minutes of golf