Sunday, December 26, 2010
Born in New York, Wallace was most inspired by Modern Artists with overt influences from “Big Eye – Art” of the 1960’s. She describes her work as follows: “My paintings are intended to extol the Goddess in all gals with a sense of whimsical glamour, humor/parody and designer wearing attitude. Without any preconceived notions, each Glamour Gal™ takes on a life of her own with an imposing personal statement. Using simplistic lines, color and expression, without apology, I leave it up to the distinct viewer to determine the appeal”….Lorna Wallace
THE GLAMOUR GALS™ emanate from her early love of designer wear, lending an iconic flavor to the paintings. Creating her own unadulterated style of work from her Uptown Girl Studio, she is without a doubt a new generation of Contemporary Pop Artists. Her style, Fashion Pop Art, is an expression of uncritical devotion with an alluring appeal of charm, beauty and wit exuding from each gal created and is well sought after. ”We have a future POP ART ICON here folks. Buy her work while it’s affordable”…a “Wall” collector.
You can find this painting on ebay