Yogurt has billions of good bacteria which are good for the body especially the digestion system. It is even easier to digest compare to ordinary milk.
Here are a few reasons why you should add yogurt in your daily diet;
-Easy to digest
Yogurt is easy to digest compared to milk. It also has active bacteria to help in the production of lactase enzyme. Culture process will convert lactose into glucose and galactose, make it easier for absorption.
-Good for intestine
Yogurt contains good bacteria such as lacto bacteria. These bacteria will increase the amount of good bacteria in colon and reduce the risk of colon cancer.
-Help in nutrition absorption process
Yogurt increases the absorption of calcium and vitamin B. Lactic acid in yogurt help in the digestion of calcium for easier absorption.
-Increase the body immunity system
Research had been done on 68 people that take 2 cups of yogurt a day and it shows positive result. All of them have high interferon level.
-Healing the infection in digestion system
Virus and digestion system disorder will lead to small cut on the intestine layer, especially the cells that produce lactase. We will face lactose intolerance in our digestion system for 1 to 2 months. Doctor always suggested yogurt for healing process because it contain lots of lactase enzyme.
-Reduce fungi infection
Having yogurt in your everyday diet will reduce the growth of fungi on vagina. This will reduce the risk of fungi infection on vagina.
-Rich with calcium
A glass of yogurt contains around 450 milligrams of calcium. This mineral is important for colon’s health.
-Source of protein
A glass of yogurt contains 10- 15 grams of protein or around 20% protein needed by body everyday. The fermentation process make the protein in yogurt become easily digested.
-Reduce the cholesterol level
Researcher found that living bacteria in yogurt will assimilate with cholesterol.